Sunday, June 9, 2013

A trip in May

Hello all! Yes *gasp* We are still here!  I know I know we haven't posted in a long while and for that I do apologize. I offer no excuses as I have none acceptable to give. Having said that I offer this report on a preliminary we did in April.

Well it started out as a preliminary and turned into a full blown investigation. Any and all in this field knows that sometimes happens. I can not post all the who/what/ and why because we do not have permission from the client.
Having said that I will now stop blathering on and let you read about our trip.~ KH

May 15, 2013

Undisclosed location, Lawrenceburg Ky.


Client made contact with our case manager April 2, 2013.

Claims were the whole family was experiencing paranormal activity. Seeing misty forms in the field around her house, hearing voices and capturing EVPs on her mini cassette recorder. There was a small cemetery on the property with broken and misplaced headstones.

 After several phone conversations a preliminary investigation was scheduled.

On Tuesday May 14, 2013 we arrived at 6:30pm to meet the client and do a walk through on the property.

Members present were:

BJ Hodges

Kathy Hall

Chas Hinton

Belinda Nash


After talking to the client we were given permission to walk the property.  

Our team empath was feeling the presence of something, she was not sure if it was an elemental or animal spirit. The impression she got was that it was very old and tied to the land. The team intuitive and empath then walked over to the cemetery and discovered it was in very bad shape. Over grown with weeds the stones would have been easy to overlook if the client had not pointed out where they were.  There were two large trees and it was apparent that one had grown through the grave and the other is leaning over far enough to expose roots and eventually the grave it stands over. The empath then initated contact with a spirit that was upset the cemetery was in such a state of neglect. 

Pictures were taken of the cemetery and are under review at this time.

It was then decided by the team to try and send those that were still tied to this part of the property on to their final destination.

The team then went back to the house to talk to the owner. Two members were able to listen to an EVP of a man’s voice telling her to “Come back” this was captured by accident. The owner had been in the process of looking for a previously recorded EVP but had hit the wrong button and had been recording a conversation with her mother as they were leaving the property.

In this investigators opinion it was a class A EVP. Very clear, no need to try and wash or filter out background noise at all.

The client admitted she and some friends had visited a cemetery in another county and felt that she has brought “something back” when she left. It had been with her for a time and she wanted it gone.  She pointed out where she felt/saw the spirit the strongest.

A ghost box session was done by two team members and kept getting the name Lou several times.  When asked if the client was doing something she shouldn’t we got “dabbles” we interpreted its meaning she was dabbling in a form of black magic. After about an hour we were unable to get anything more so we turned back to talk to the client and asked if she had ever practiced black magic and she admitted she had dabbled a bit while going through some personal issues but hadn’t done anything since. She also admitted that when she and her friends had been at the cemetery she had brought a small flag home. She was advised to return the flag, give an apology and leave.

Our empath and  intitutive then gave her advice on how to rid the home of negative energy.


We left the location at 9:30pm.
Note~ Having reviewed the photos, nothing was found. *sigh* If only the spirits would feel the need to make themselves known when asked politely.

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